Buy Games People Play by Eric Berne
We believe we’re connecting with others, but often we are just playing games.
Forty years ago, Games People Play changed how we see our everyday social interactions. With over five million copies sold, Dr. Eric Berne’s book remains as surprising and insightful as it was when first released. The anniversary edition includes a new introduction by Dr. James R. Allen, president of the International Transactional Analysis Association, along with Kurt Vonnegut’s notable review from 1965.
We engage in various games daily, like sexual games, marital games, power struggles at work, and competition with friends. Dr. Berne highlights status battles like “Martini” (I know a better way), intense couple conflicts like “If It Weren’t For You” and “Uproar,” as well as playful flirtation games like “The Stocking Game” and “Let’s You and Him Fight.” He reveals the hidden tactics and subconscious behaviors that influence our close relationships.
When it was first published, Games People Play sparked significant discussion, and today it is considered a groundbreaking and influential book in popular psychology. Its impact remains strong and enlightening.
Laila Rashid –
a valuable read for anyone exploring interpersonal dynamics and communication.”
Faisal Mansoor –
Eye-opening and practical for self-awareness.”